Apibara blog

News and updates about Apibara

Index Starknet reverted transactions

We updated the Starknet streams to index and serve reverted transactions. By default, the streams will not include these transaction and developers needs to explicitly request them.

There are three ways to receive reverted transactions:

  • from transactions, by setting the includeReverted option to true. In this case, the transactions data will include all requested transactions, including reverted ones.
  • from events, by setting the includeReverted option to true. In this case, the events data will include events from reverted transactions (usually only the fees Transfer event).
  • from messages, by setting the includeReverted option to true. This works similarly to events, but for L2 to L1 messages.

Replace pending MongoDB data atomically

This week, we released an update to the MongoDB indexer to replace pending data atomically.

Users indexing large collections (millions of documents or more) were experiencing "flashing" data between pending blocks. This happens because the indexer replaces data derived from pending blocks by first removing data from the previous version of the pending block, and then inserting the new data.

The latest version of the MongoDB indexer ships with the --replace-data-inside-transaction=true flag to wrap the update operation in a transaction, resulting in atomic updates of pending data. Notice that a MongoDB deployment with replication enabled is required for this feature to work. If you are using MongoDB Atlas, it will work out of the box.

PostgreSQL indexers improvements

This week we release two improvements to PostgreSQL indexers.

This new release adds support for batching writes to Postgres. This changes follow the MongoDB changes described in the previous changelog. Developers can use the --batch-seconds flag to flush data to PostgreSQL at the provided interval, reducing the number of writes to the database. Notice this behavior is used only for finalized blocks, live blocks will always be flushed to database as they are produced.

The PostgreSQL sink has now a new uniqueColumns: boolean option to control how insert conflicts are handled. If the flag is true, the insert query will ignore any conflict.

Batch writes for MongoDB indexers

This week we added the option to batch writes to MongoDB to increase indexers performance.

Previously, the MongoDB sink would write data as it was produced (once per block). This is an issues for dedicated DNA customers since it results in several thousands of writes per second and a high CPU load on their MongoDB instance.

The new MongoDB sink version includes a --batch-seconds flag to only flush data every few seconds, improving performance and reducing stress for the MongoDB server.

Upload Parquet datasets to Amazon S3

This week's release adds support for uploading Parquet datasets directly to Amazon S3.

When building Parquet indexers, change the outputDir option to an URL in the format s3://<bucket-name> and Apibara will automatically upload the *.parquet files to your bucket as they are created. The indexer authenticates with Amazon by using standard AWS environment variables.

Redis persistence

You can now persist the indexer's state to Redis. This is now the recommended way to persist state in production since Redis provides the same benefits as ETCD and it's much simpler to run in production.

Grant network access to indexers

This week, we released a new version of all integrations. This release brings a new flag to grant network access to indexers. Use the --allow-net flag to let your indexer access the outside world, optionally restricting access only to predetermined hosts for maximum security.

Until today, Apibara indexers were fully deterministic and could only use onchain data to compute derived data. Theoretically, this is good since it speeds up indexing significantly and removes any path dependency on indexers. In practice, we have found that data that is readily available with a single RPC call requires stitching together many unrelated onchain data sources at indexing and query time. This is far from the developer experience we strive to deliver with Apibara, so we decided to change it.

Use cases

RPC calls

Sometimes data is challenging to derive from events, but there is an RPC call that provides precisely what your indexer needs. You can now call the RPC directly from your indexer while indexing. Notice that making too many RPC calls will negatively affect your indexing speed.

Caching data

Connect your indexer to a key-value store like Redis to cache and share data between subsequent calls to the transform function. For example, you can keep a cache of token decimals to format token amounts quickly. You should not use this mechanism to store mutable data like token balances since they can be subject to chain reorganizations.

Introducing factory mode

This week, we released a new version of all our integrations to support updating the stream filter while indexing data. This was the most requested feature, and we're glad it's finally available to users.

Factory mode indexes data from a dynamic set of smart contracts. For example, Uniswap V2-like DEXes that deploy a new smart contract for each pair can use factory mode to index events from all pairs without knowing the pairs' addresses in advance.

const FACTORY = "0x...";
const PAIR_CREATED = selector("PairCreated");

export const config = {
  filter: {
    header: { weak: true },
    events: [
        fromAddress: FACTORY,
        keys: [PAIR_CREATED],
        includeReceipt: false,
  // standard configuration.

const UPGRADED = selector("Upgraded");
const ADMIN_CHANGED = selector("AdminChanged");
const BURN = selector("Burn");
const MINT = selector("Mint");
const SWAP = selector("Swap");
const SYNC = selector("Sync");
const APPROVAL = selector("Approval");
const TRANSFER = selector("Transfer");

export function factory({ header, events }) {
  // Create a filter with events for all pools created in this block.
  const poolEvents = events.flatMap(({ event }) => {
    const pairAddress = event.data[2];
    return [
    ].map((eventKey) => ({
      fromAddress: pairAddress,
      keys: [eventKey],
      includeReceipt: false,

  // Insert data about the pools created in this block.
  // Values returned in `data` are handled like values returned from
  // `transform`.
  const pools = events.flatMap(({ event, transaction }) => {
    const token0 = event.data[0];
    const token1 = event.data[1];
    const pairAddress = event.data[2];
    return {
      type: "PairCreated",
      createdAt: header.timestamp,
      createdAtBlockNumber: +header.blockNumber,
      createdAtTxHash: transaction.meta.hash,
      pairId: pairAddress,
      token0Id: token0,
      token1Id: token1,

  return {
    filter: {
      header: { weak: true },
      events: poolEvents,
    data: pools,

export default function transform({ header, events }) {
  return events.flatMap(({ event, transaction }) => {
    // do something we the events.

Export the factory callback from your script to enable factory mode. In this mode, the filter specified in the configuration is used to stream data passed to the factory function. The factory callback can return a filter used to stream data in the main stream. Filters from subsequent factory function invocations are merged into a single stream. On Starknet, you can index smart contracts by class hash by streaming deploy transactions. This can be used, for example, to track a specific wallet version. Head over to the documentation to learn about factory mode.

Under the hood, factory mode streams data from two parallel and synchronized DNA streams: one stream for factory data and one for the main data. The factory callback is called before the main transform function. When the the main filter is updated, the indexer restarts from the current block to include all events in that block, even events included in the new filter.

If you are running indexers in production: The new version of the indexers stores its indexing state in a different way from the previous version. The persisted state from previous versions is not compatible with the new version. To update the indexers safely:

  • stop your indexers completely.
  • note at which block the indexer stopped.
  • start the new indexers using that block number as the starting block.

If you are a dedicated DNA customer: We will roll out the new DNA server version after it has been sufficiently tested in production. If you want to start using factory mode sooner, contact us, and we will update your instance.

Status server improvements

Some users reported timeout errors when requesting data from the status server. This bug has been fixed.

Sync metrics

Indexers now publish OpenTelemetry metrics about the sync status. You can use these metrics to build dashboards for your indexers.

PostgreSQL sink fixes

We fixed an issue with the PostgreSQL sink that would cause the indexer to stall if the connection to the DB was closed.

Starknet sepolia streams and RPC v0.6

Starknet is migrating the testnet from Goerli to Sepolia. All teams are encouraged to migrate their application to this new testnet. We now offer a Starknet Sepolia DNA stream at sepolia.starknet.a5a.ch.

We will keep offering the Goerli stream until Starknet Goerli reaches the end of its life.

Starknet RPC v0.6

The new version of the Starknet DNA service now uses version 0.6 of the Starknet JSON-RPC spec. This version also updates the Starknet types to include all the new features coming in the next Starknet version (0.13).

Support private repositories in the Kubernetes Operator.

The Apibara Kubernetes Operator now supports running indexers from a private GitHub repository. Generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) in GitHub and store it in a Secret on your cluster. When creating a new Indexer, load the PAT in an environment variable and specify the accessTokenEnvVar property. The operator will authenticate with GitHub when cloning the repository.

Entity mode for the PostgreSQL sink

This week, we introduce entity mode to the PostgreSQL sink. This feature enables indexers to insert and update stateful entities.

For example, let's consider an onchain game with the following events:

  • GameStarted(game_id): emitted when a game is started.
  • GameEnded(game_id, score): emitted when the game finishes.

The following indexer inserts a new "STARTED" game when the first event is emitted, and updates the game status when GameEnded is emitted.

export default function transform({ header, events }) {
    const { timestamp } = header;
    return events.flatMap(({ event }) => {
        if (isGameStarted(event)) {
            const { game_id } = decodeEvent(event);
            return {
                insert: {
                    status: "STARTED",
                    created_at: timestamp,
        } else if (isGameEnded(event)) {
            const { game_id, score } = decodeEvent(event);
            return {
                entity: {
                update: {
                    status: "ENDED",
                    updated_at: timestamp,
        } else {
            return [];

This first release should be considered a preview and we're still collecting feedback on entity mode. You can open an issue on GitHub to tell us what you think about it.

Multiple MongoDB indexers per collection

It's now possible to have multiple indexers write data to the same MongoDB collection! This enables multiple indexers to run in parallel, increasing indexing speed.

You can specify additional conditions that will be used when invalidating data with the invalidate option. Use this to restrict which documents are affected by an indexer.

export const config = {
  // ...
  sinkType: "mongo",
  sinkOptions: {
    database: "example",
    collectionName: "transfers",
    // Make sure to also add these properties to the documents
    // returned by the transform function.
    invalidate: {
      network: "starknet-goerli",
      symbol: "ETH",

We are now adding support for one indexer inserting data into multiple MongoDB collections.

Reduced memory usage across the board

We switched the allocator used by all the Apibara binaries to jemalloc. From our experience in production, we have seen DNA instances dropping from 20Gb of memory used down to 500Mb 🤯!

More flexible environment variables

Previously, users could specify which environment variables were available to the indexer's script by using the --allow-env flag and pointing it to a .env file.

We updated all sinks to allow indexers to inherit and access the current environment. Users can use the --allow-env-from-env flag to specify which variables the indexer has access to. This feature is especially useful to users running indexers in production, since they can use their platform (e.g. Docker or Kubernetes) to set environment variables.

Stream performance improvements

This week, we introduce three changes that significantly speed up data-heavy indexers.

The first change adds the option to control what event data the server sends. By default, the DNA protocol attaches additional data to each event delivered over the stream. This data includes the transaction that emitted the event, together with its receipt. If the same transaction emits multiple events, this data is included multiple times. Additionally, most indexers only need some of the additional data in the transaction's receipt, which leads the DNA streams to deliver much more data than is necessary. In this release, indexers can request the server not to send events' transactions and/or receipts. This reduces the amount of data sent to the client by 2 to 10 times less, which means the client has less data to read and parse, resulting in much better performance. Update your event filters as follows to take advantage of this new feature.

const filter = {
  header: { weak: true },
  events: [
      fromAddress: MY_ADDRESS,
      keys: [TRANSFER_KEY],
      includeTransaction: false, // Don't send transaction data.
      includeReceipt: false, // Don't send receipt data.

For users using the PostgreSQL integration, it's now possible to have multiple indexers synch data to the same table. If your application requires indexing similar but unrelated data (for example, Transfer events for different ERC20 tokens), you can run multiple indexers in parallel to speed up indexing. Previously, having multiple indexers write data to the same table resulted in data loss in case of chain reorganizations (the last indexer to handle the reorg would delete the data of all other indexers). This release adds a new configuration option to add additional column constraints to invalidate queries.

export const config = {
  // ... config
  sinkOptions: {
    invalidate: [
      { column: "token_symbol", value: "ETH" },

Parallel indexing will soon come to the MongoDB integration as well.

Finally, this release includes a new version of the Deno runtime. We changed how data is exchanged between the sink (implemented in Rust) and your script (implemented in Javascript) by taking advantage of the new #[op2] extension macro.

Improved error messages in the CLI

This week, we worked on improving the developer experience using Apibara from the command line. The Apibara CLI and Sinks' latest release comes with improved error messages.

For example, trying to execute the apibara run command with non-existing files results in the following error message. This message provides enough context to help you debug the error. If you feel stuck, you can always post the error in our Discord, and we will do our best to help you.

$ apibara run path/to/indexer.ts
# Error: cli operation failed
# ├╴at cli/src/run.rs:36:64
# ╰─▶ failed to load script
#     ├╴at sinks/sink-common/src/cli.rs:34:14
#     ╰╴script file not found: path/to/indexer.ts

The CLI will warn you if the indexer doesn't export the config or transform function or if any key was misspelt.

$ apibara run indexer.js
# sink configuration error
# ├╴at /tmp/nix-build-apibara-0.0.0.drv-0/source/sinks/sink-common/src/lib.rs:75:10
# ├╴invalid sink options
# ╰─▶ webhook sink operation failed
#     ├╴at sinks/sink-webhook/src/configuration.rs:49:14
#     ╰╴missing target url

One challenge when running Apibara integrations in production is figuring out if the indexer exited because of a configuration error or because of a transient error. This is important to decide whether to restart the indexer or not. This release helps operators by returning a different Unix exit code based on the error type. These follow the codes defined in the sysexit.h header.

  • 0: the indexer was interrupted and exited successfully.
  • 78: configuration error. The indexer should not be restarted.
  • 75: temporary error. The indexer should be restarted after a back-off period.
  • All other exit codes: fatal error. The indexer should not be restarted.

The error-stack crate

We improved error handling by changing how we manage errors in the Apibara source code. Before this release, Apibara implemented errors following Rust best practices with libraries exporting one or more error types implemented using thiserror and applications using eyre. This approach worked well initially, but thiserror encourages reusing the same variant for errors of the same type (e.g. MyError::Io(std::io::Error) for io errors). Any context of what operation caused the error is lost, resulting in error messages not helping users fix their bugs.

Error-stack approach is a hybrid between thiserror and eyre (or anyhow). Like thiserror, libraries and applications should define their error type. This can be anything. In Apibara, we use both structs and enums. Like eyre, it's possible to attach additional context to errors to provide more information to end users.

pub fn load_script(path: &str, options: ScriptOptions) -> Result<Script, LoadScriptError> {
    let Ok(_) = fs::metadata(path) else {
        return Err(LoadScriptError)
              format!("script file not found: {path:?}")

    let current_dir = std::env::current_dir()
        .attach_printable("failed to get current directory")?;

    let script = Script::from_file(path, current_dir, options)
          format!("failed to load script at path: {path:?}")


This change is only the first step in a better developer experience. You should expect more improvements in the following weeks and months.

Testing indexers and new RFC process

This week, we released an update to the Apibara CLI tool. This version fixes a bug causing the API key used to stream data to leak in some situations.

To update, reinstall the CLI tool with:

curl -sL https://install.apibara.com | bash

We added a new section to the documentation showing how Apibara ships with the best tool to test indexers. The apibara test command implements snapshot testing for indexers. The tool snaps the indexer's output on the first run. The indexer's output is compared with the previous snapshot on successive runs. The CLI tool also helps create test fixtures by connecting to an actual DNA stream and downloading data locally.

Test failure


Apibara has been used in production for over one year, and it's now time to get our users more involved in the design process of the DNA protocol and CLI tool. For this reason, we adopted a RFC process to guide the evolution of Apibara.

You can find all RFCs on the Notion page. If you see anything that catches your eye, please leave a comment!

Apibara Operator for Kubernetes

We are excited to release the new Apibara Operator for Kubernetes! This release make it even easier to run Apibara indexers on demand on your self-hosted infrastructure.

A Kubernetes operator is a service you deploy on your cluster to manage Custom Resources (CR), usually defined by a Custom Resource Definition (CRD). This service listen for changes to CR and reconciles the cluster's state with the target state defined by the developer. The operator takes care of the low-level operational details such as scheduling a Pod to run the indexer or restarting the container if it exits because of a transient error.

In practice, here's how to use the Apibara Operator in your cluster.

Start by generating the Apibara CRDs with apibara-operator generate-crd | kubectl apply -f. This will install a new Indexer CRD.

Next you need to run the operator in your cluster. The operator is stateless so you can run it as a deployment. In the future, we will provide an Helm Chart to install the operator in one command.

Now you can run an indexer by pointing to the source code (either clone a GitHub repo or from a mounted volume) and configuring the indexer with environment variables.

apiVersion: apibara.com/v1alpha2
kind: Indexer
  namespace: default
  name: console
      repo: dna
      owner: apibara
      branch: main
      subpath: examples/console
      image: quay.io/apibara/sink-console:latest
      script: starknet_to_console.js
    - name: AUTH_TOKEN
          name: apibara-api-key
          key: production

Notice: for a real-world production deployment, you should persist the indexer state to an ETCD cluster.

The operator is a step forward in simplifying running Apibara indexers. Next week we will release the new "Runner" API abstraction to provide one API to run Apibara indexers independently of the target platform (for example, locally, Kubernetes, or AWS).

DNA quota service

This week we added a new quota service to DNA. This service is used to globally limit how much data a specific client is allowed to use.

The quota service is a simple gRPC service with two methods:

  • check: check if the client can stream data. This method is called once before the client starts streaming data.
  • updateAndCheck: this method is periodically called by the DNA service while the client is streaming. It's used to update the amount of data consumed by the user and to, at the same time, check if the client can keep streaming data.

The DNA service extracts the team and clients ids from the request metadata (gRPC headers), this gives teams a high degree of control over their quota logic.

The new `apibara test` command

Testing should help developers move faster and not break things. When building indexers, that often feels different. That's why we decided to add a built-in tool to Apibara to quickly test your indexers.

Apibara testing tool

If you want to start testing your indexers, update the Apibara CLI to the latest version with:

curl -sL https://install.apibara.com | bash

The new apibara test command implements snapshot testing for Apibara indexers. The first time you run a test, it will fetch actual data from a DNA stream and run your indexer on this data, storing all relevant data (configuration, input stream, and output data) to a snapshot file. You can inspect this file with any text editor and check that the output matches your expectations (pro tip: you can manually edit the result to your liking). Now, you can rerun the test command, and it will replay the stream data from the snapshot file and compare the output of the indexer with what is stored in the snapshot. If the output matches, the test is considered a success. If it fails, the CLI will print an error message showing a difference between the expected and actual results.

The test command provides some options to customize the input stream by specifying a specific block range for replaying data, among other customizations. You can also decide to overwrite an existing snapshot file. We will publish a more detailed testing tutorial in the upcoming days. You can read more by running apibara test --help.

Indexing status endpoint for all indexers

This week, we released an update to all Apibara integrations. This update improves the integrations by exposing a new gRPC service to query the indexing status and progress.

Upgrading is easy. Check what integrations you have installed with

apibara plugins list
# mongo      sink   0.3.0
# postgres   sink   0.3.0
# console    sink   0.3.0
# parquet    sink   0.3.0

Then, upgrade the plugins with the following:

apibara plugin install sink-webhook

Every time you run an indexer, the status server will automatically start in the background. The server binds to a random port to allow you to run multiple indexers simultaneously, so look for the following message to find out how to reach your server.

INFO apibara_sink_common::status: status server listening on

Alternatively, specify an address and port with the --status-server-address flag, for example --status-server-address=

While the indexer is running, query its state using a gRPC client. In this example, we use grpcurl to query it from the command line. The gRPC service definition is available on GitHub (don't forget to star and subscribe while you're there) so you can generate a client in your favourite language!

# The status server supports reflection!

$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8118 list
# apibara.sink.v1.Status
# grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection

# The only method exposed is `GetStatus`
$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8118 list apibara.sink.v1.Status
# apibara.sink.v1.Status.GetStatus

# Call this method to get the current status
$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8118 apibara.sink.v1.Status.GetStatus
# {
#   "status": "SINK_STATUS_RUNNING",
#   "startingBlock": "3129",
#   "currentBlock": "4248",
#   "headBlock": "241673"
# }

This API is the last piece needed before working on the new runner abstraction. The runner API enables developers to start, stop and query indexers through a single API. It's like docker-compose but for indexers.

Connect the PostgreSQL sink to any cloud provider

Connect the PostgreSQL integration to any cloud provider

This week, we released version 0.3.0 of the PostgreSQL integration. This version supports secure TLS connections between the indexer and the database. You can synchronize onchain data to hosted PostgreSQL, such as Amazon RDS, Google CloudSQL, Supabase, and Neon.

Head over to the documentation to learn more about the new TLS options and how to connect Apibara to your database.

Indexer Typescript package updates

We updated the @apibara/indexer package with minor fixes to transaction types. Users should update to the latest release for better type-checking and autocomplete support.

New endpoint to monitor DNA servers' status

New endpoint to monitor DNA servers' status

This week, we released version 1.1.2 of the Starknet DNA service. This version brings a new Status gRPC method to query the ingestion state of the DNA server. This endpoint can be used to know the most recent block in the chain and the latest ingested block by the node.

Users running their Starknet DNA server are encouraged to upgrade their container images to quay.io/apibara/starnet:1.1.2.

New @apibara/indexer Typescript package release

We released an update to the indexer Typescript library. This version fixes some typing issues, especially for Starknet's Filter and Block types. Users can upgrade by changing their imports to point to the new release.

import { Filter } from "https://esm.sh/@apibara/indexer/starknet@0.2.0";

The new entity mode for MongoDB

Entity mode for the MongoDB integration

This week, we are launching a new entity mode for the MongoDB integration. This new mode gives you even more power by enabling you to insert and update existing entities that you previously inserted in Mongo.

Before you can try out entity mode, you need to update the MongoDB integration:

apibara plugins install sink-mongo

To enable entity mode, set the entityMode option to true. You must then change your transform function to return a list of entity operations. These operations are JSON objects that contain an entity property that specifies which entities need update and an update property with a Mongo update operation or Mongo pipeline on that entity.

For example, the following update operation updates the owner of an NFT token and, at the same time, increases the transaction count on the same token.

export default function transform({ header, events }: Block) {
  const tokenIdCount = new Map<string, number>();
  const tokenIdToOwner = new Map<string, string>();

  for (const { event } of events) {
    const dest = event.data[1];
    const tokenId = uint256.uint256ToBN({
      low: event.data[2],
      high: event.data[3],
    tokenIdToOwner.set(tokenId.toString(), dest);
      (tokenIdCount.get(tokenId.toString()) ?? 0) + 1,

  return [...tokenIdToOwner.entries()].map(([tokenId, owner]) => ({
    entity: {
    update: {
      "$set": {
        updateAt: header?.timestamp,
        updateAtBlock: header?.blockNumber,
      "$inc": {
        transferCount: tokenIdCount.get(tokenId) ?? 0,

You can read more about entity mode, including details about its implementation, in our documentation. Looking forward to seeing what you're going to build with it!

Indexing NFT Metadata with Apibara and Inngest

In this tutorial, we are going to show how to easily index NFT Metadata by leveraging a serverless job queue like Inngest.

Implementing a robust and scalable NFT metadata indexer is hard, your indexer needs to take the following into consideration:

  • you need to "discover" NFT tokens by listening to onchain activity.
  • fetching the NFT token URL is slow because it involves a JSON-RPC call.
  • the NFT metadata server may be temporarily or permanently unavailable.
  • you need to take into account rate limits for both the JSON-RPC server and the metadata servers.
  • you want to concurrently fetch the metadata for as many tokens as possible to speed up indexing.

Luckily, all of the issues above are solved by using modern developers tools like Apibara and Inngest.

Apibara is an open-source platform to build indexers. Our philosophy is to focus on streaming and transforming data and then sending the result to third-party integrations. In this case, we use Apibara to trigger jobs in a task queue.

Inngest is a serverless task queue: you start by implementing durable tasks using Javascript or Typescript. Durable tasks are functions composed by one or more steps (for example, fetch the token URL, or fetch metadata). Inngest will run each step in order, automatically retrying a step if it fails. With Inngest, you can implement complex workflows without having to worry about scheduling or retries.

In the next sections, you will learn how to:

Before we begin, you should visit the getting started guide to learn how to install and configure Apibara.

The image below contains the reference architecture of what we are going to build in this tutorial:

  • an indexer streams data from a DNA server.
  • the indexer uses onchain data to determine which NFT needs indexing and invokes a new Inngest task.
  • Inngest schedules workers to index the NFT metadata.

Combining Apibara with Inngest

As always, the source code for this tutorial is available on GitHub.

Setting up Deno & Inngest

For this tutorial, we are going to use Deno as the Javascript runtime. Refer to this guide to setup Deno on your machine. Note that you can follow along this tutorial using Node.js if you prefer that.

We start by creating a src/inngest folder to contain all Inngest-related code.

We create a file src/inngest/client.ts that contains the definition for our Inngest client. It contains the schema for the events that will trigger our tasks and the Inngest client. Notice that since we are running Inngest locally, we use the "local" eventKey.

import { EventSchemas, Inngest } from "https://esm.sh/inngest";

type Events = {
  "nft/mint": {
    data: {
      address: string;
      tokenId: string;

export const inngest = new Inngest({
  name: "NFT Metadata Tutorial",
  eventKey: "local",
  schemas: new EventSchemas().fromRecord<Events>(),

The next step is to create a file containing the definition of the task we want to run. We do that in src/inngest/fetch_metadata.ts. You can learn more about writing Inngest functions in the official documentation.

import { inngest } from "./client.ts";

export const fetchMetadata = inngest.createFunction(
  { name: "fetchMetadata" },
  { event: "nft/mint" },
  async ({ event, step }) => {
    // ⚡ Use `step.run` to asynchronously run a that may fail. Inngest will
    // automatically retry it if it fails.
    const metadataUrl = await step.run("Fetch token URL", () => {
      // Here we could fetch the metadata URL from the node using an RPC call.
      return `https://cloud.argent-api.com/v1/moments/metadata/1/${event.data.tokenId}`

    const metadata = await step.run("Fetch metadata", async () => {
	  const response = await fetch(metadataUrl);
	  return await response.json();

    return {
      body: metadata,

The last step is to create the HTTP server that we will use later to start new tasks. In this case we use express, but you can integrate with other frameworks such as Next.js. We implement the server in src/server.ts:

import express from "https://esm.sh/express";
import { serve } from "https://esm.sh/inngest/express";
import { inngest } from "./inngest/client.ts";
import { fetchMetadata } from "./inngest/fetch_metadata.ts";

const app = express();

// @ts-ignore - express types are wrong

app.use("/api/inngest", serve(inngest, [fetchMetadata]));

app.get("/health", (_req, res) => {

app.listen(8000, () => {
  console.log("Started server on port 8000");

Starting Inngest

We are now ready to start the Inngest server. From the root of your project, run deno run --allow-all src/server.ts to start the express server. In another terminal, start the Inngest UI with npx inngest-cli@latest dev -u http://localhost:8000/api/inngest and then visit If you navigate to the "Apps" section, you should see the application we defined in src/inngest/client.ts.

Inngest UI

We are now ready to invoke Inngest functions using Apibara.

Trigger functions with Apibara

We are going to write an Apibara indexer to invoke Inngest functions. Inngest provides an HTTP endpoint where we can send events (like the nft/mint we defined) to start the function to fetch metadata we defined previously. We are going to use the Webhook integration to invoke this endpoint for each NFT minted.

For this tutorial, we are going to use the "Argent: Xplorer" collection as an example, but you can use the same strategy on any NFT collection.

We are going to create a src/indexer.ts file. This file contains the indexer configuration and a transform function (more on this later). We configure the indexer to receive Transfer events from the 0x01b2...3066 smart contract, starting at block 54 900 (when the contract was deployed). Finally, we configure the sink. In this case we want to use the webhook sink to send the data returned by the transform function to the HTTP endpoint specified in the configuration. We turn on the raw option to send data to the endpoint exactly as it's returned by the transform function.

import { hash, uint256 } from "https://esm.sh/starknet";
import type { Config } from "https://esm.sh/@apibara/indexer";
import type { Starknet, Block, BlockHeader, EventWithTransaction } from "https://esm.sh/@apibara/indexer/starknet";
import type { Webhook } from "https://esm.sh/@apibara/indexer/sink/webhook";

export const config: Config<Starknet, Webhook> = {
  streamUrl: "https://mainnet.starknet.a5a.ch",
  startingBlock: 54_900,
  network: "starknet",
  filter: {
    header: {
      weak: true,
    events: [
	fromAddress: "0x01b22f7a9d18754c994ae0ee9adb4628d414232e3ebd748c386ac286f86c3066",
	keys: [hash.getSelectorFromName("Transfer")]
  sinkType: "webhook",
  sinkOptions: {
    targetUrl: "http://localhost:8288/e/env_key",
    raw: true,

As we mentioned early, Apibara uses the transform function exported by the script to transform each Starknet block into a piece of data that is specific to your application. In this case, we want to perform the following:

Note that we can schedule multiple tasks by sending a list of event payloads.

Add the following code at the end of src/indexer.ts. Since an Apibara indexer is just regular Typescript, you can continue using any library you already use and share code with your frontend.

export default function transform({ header, events }: Block) {
  return events.flatMap((event) => transferToTask(header!, event));

function transferToTask(_header: BlockHeader, { event }: EventWithTransaction) {
  const from = BigInt(event.data[0]);
  if (from !== 0n) {
    return [];

  const tokenId = uint256.uint256ToBN({
    low: event.data[2],
    high: event.data[3]

  return [{
    name: "nft/mint",
    data: {
      address: event.fromAddress,

Now you can run the indexer with apibara run src/indexer.ts -A <dna-token>, where <dna-token> is your Apibara DNA authentication token (you can create one in the Apibara dashboard). You will see your indexer going through Starknet events block by block and pushing new tasks to Inngest.

You can see all function invocations in the Inngest UI. Select one event to see the function steps in real-time, together with their return values.

Inngest UI with events

What's next

This tutorial showed how to get started integrating Inngest with Apibara. If you want to take this tutorial further and use it for your project, you can explore the following possibilities:

New indexer Typescript SDK and integrations

New indexer Typescript SDK

You can now write type-safe indexers using the new Typescript SDK! Use it by importing the @apibara/indexer package from your favourite CDN (like esm.sh or Skypack) and then adding types to your variables and functions.

import type { Config } from "https://esm.sh/@apibara/indexer@0.1.2";
import type {
} from "https://esm.sh/@apibara/indexer@0.1.2/starknet";
import type { Console } from "https://esm.sh/@apibara/indexer@0.1.2/sink/console";

export const config: Config<Starknet, Console> = {
  streamUrl: "https://goerli.starknet.a5a.ch",
  network: "starknet",
  filter: {
    header: {},
  startingBlock: 800_000,
  sinkType: "console",
  sinkOptions: {},

export default function transform(block: Block) {
  return block;

Integrations updates

We updated the integrations based on your feedback. You can update using the apibara CLI.

Start by listing all the integrations you installed:

apibara plugins list
# mongo     sink  0.1.0
# postgres  sink  0.1.0
# webhook   sink  0.1.0
# console   sink  0.1.0
# parquet   sink  0.1.0

Then update them one by one:

apibara plugin install sink-console

Check that the upgrade was successful.

apibara plugins list
# mongo     sink  0.2.0
# postgres  sink  0.2.0
# webhook   sink  0.2.0
# console   sink  0.2.0
# parquet   sink  0.2.0

Changes to the indexer transform function

We changed the indexer’s transform function to accept a single block at the time. Previously this function was invoked with an entire batch of data. Talking with early adopters, we realised this behaviour is confusing, so now the function accepts a block at a time.

Upgrading your indexers is easy; change your transform function as follows:

diff --git a/script.ts b/script.ts
index 999ba82..ea9667a 100644
--- a/old.ts
+++ b/new.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
-export default function transform(batch: Block[]) {
-  return batch.flatMap(transformBlock);
-function transformBlock(block: Block) {
+export default function transform(block: Block) {
   // transform a single block
   return block;

Disk persistence for development

Before this release, developers had only two options for persisting the indexer state between restarts:

  • No persistence: the indexer would restart from the beginning every time it was launched. This behaviour is acceptable for the early stages of development but becomes cumbersome later in the development lifecycle.
  • Etcd persistence: store the state in a distributed key-value store and ensure that only one copy of the same indexer runs simultaneously. This is excellent for production usage, but overkill for development.

This release adds a third option:

  • Disk persistence: store the indexer’s state in a file inside a user-specified folder. Developers can restart an indexer simply by deleting its state file. Notice that this model doesn’t ensure that only one copy of the indexer is running at the same time, and so it’s not recommended for production usage. You can enable this option by running your indexer with the --persist-to-fs=<dir> option.

Apibara Installer

We fixed a bug installing the CLI tool on MacOS.

Starknet DNA Service

We updated the Starknet DNA Service to work better with nodes implementing the Starknet JSON-RPC Spec v0.4. Here’s how to upgrade if you’re running a Starknet DNA service:

  • Ensure you’re running Pathfinder v0.72 or newer
  • Ensure you point the Starknet DNA Service to the RPC v0.4 endpoint (e.g. http://<pathfinder0ip>/rpc/v0.4)
  • Upgrade the apibara/starknet Docker image to v1.1.1

Apibara indexers preview

We are excited to release the first iteration of the Apibara command line tool. This tool is the first step in overhauling the Apibara developer experience to reduce the time needed to build production-grade indexers. This tool enables developers to easily synchronize onchain data with any offchain service they use: from databases like PostgreSQL and MongoDB to any service that accepts webhooks.

Over the past year, we worked with dozens of teams to understand how they consume onchain data and build applications. We learned that all projects are different, so we wanted a tool that enables them to keep using the tools they already know and love.

The new indexers are built on top of the DNA streams and provide a higher-level developer experience for building indexers.

The new CLI is the main entry point to Apibara: use it to run indexers and manage integrations. Installation is as simple as:

curl -sL https://install.apibara.com | bash

Indexers are implemented in Javascript or Typescript. Apibara embeds a Deno runtime to execute the code users provide on each batch of data it receives in the stream. Thanks to Deno, the indexer scripts are self-contained, and you can run them in a single command. Apibara doesn’t require you to manage half a dozen configuration files.

For example, the following code is enough to index all ERC-20 transfers to a PostgreSQL database. Apibara takes care of all the low-level details such as chain reorganizations.

import { hash, uint256 } from "https://esm.run/starknet@5.14";
import { formatUnits } from "https://esm.run/viem@1.4";

const DECIMALS = 18;

const filter = {
  // Only request header if any event matches.
  header: {
    weak: true,
  events: [
      keys: [

export const config = {
  streamUrl: "https://goerli.starknet.a5a.ch",
  startingBlock: 800_000,
  network: "starknet",
  sinkType: "postgres",
  sinkOptions: {
    tableName: "transfers",

// Transform each batch of data using the function defined in starknet.js.
export default function transform(batch) {
  return batch.flatMap(decodeTransfersInBlock);

function decodeTransfersInBlock({ header, events }) {
  const { blockNumber, blockHash, timestamp } = header;
  return events.map(({ event, receipt }) => {
    const { transactionHash } = receipt;
    const transferId = `${transactionHash}_${event.index}`;

    const [fromAddress, toAddress, amountLow, amountHigh] = event.data;
    const amountRaw = uint256.uint256ToBN({ low: amountLow, high: amountHigh });
    const amount = formatUnits(amountRaw, DECIMALS);

    // Convert to snake_case because it works better with postgres.
    return {
      network: "starknet-goerli",
      symbol: "ETH",
      block_hash: blockHash,
      block_number: +blockNumber,
      block_timestamp: timestamp,
      transaction_hash: transactionHash,
      transfer_id: transferId,
      from_address: fromAddress,
      to_address: toAddress,
      amount: +amount,
      amount_raw: amountRaw.toString(),

After data is streamed and transformed, it’s sent to the downstream integration. As of today, Apibara ships with 4 integrations:

  • PostgreSQL: mirror onchain data to a database table.
  • MongoDB: mirror onchain data to a collection.
  • Webhook: invoke a webhook every time a new block is produced.
  • Parquet: generate datasets from onchain data.

This is just the first step in a new journey for Apibara. Over the following weeks, we will launch the following products:

  • A hosted service where to deploy your indexers. Develop your indexers locally with the tools presented today. When it comes time to deploy to production, we will take care of it.
  • A new testing framework for indexers. Record live data streams and replay them offline to test your transformation step.
  • A Typescript library to help develop type-safe indexers.
  • More integrations. From high-tech databases like ClickHouse to low-tech solutions like Google Sheets, Apibara can integrate with any app.

Head over to the getting started page to learn how to setup and run your first indexer in less than 10 minutes.


Apibara is the fastest platform to build production-grade indexers that connect onchain data to web2 services.

© 2024 GNC Labs Limited. All rights reserved.