How to use factory mode

In some cases, developers don't know which smart contracts they need to index in advance. This is the case if the smart contracts are deployed by other smart contracts (the factory pattern). Apibara provides a mechanism to update the data filters at runtime, in response to onchain events.

Enabling factory mode

Enable factory mode by exporting a factory function from your indexer.

export function factory(block) {
  // factory handler here.

Notice that this changes the indexer behavior the following way:

  • config.filter specifies what data is streamed into the factory function.
  • the factory function is responsible for updating the main data stream filter.
  • the default transform function is invoked with data from the main data stream.

The following diagram show how data flows in an indexer that uses factory mode. It is important to know that the factory and main data streams are synced, that is the factory function will never be invoked with a block older than the most recently invoked transform function.


            │   ┌────────────┐                ┌────────────┐
            ◎──▶│  factory   │───────────────▶│  factory   │─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
start factory   └────────────┘                └────────────┘
 data stream           │                             │
                       │                             │
                       │                             │
                       │       ┌────────────┐        │         ┌────────────┐
                       ◎──────▶│ transform  │────────◎────────▶│ transform  │─ ─
             start main        └────────────┘    merge new     └────────────┘
             data stream                        filter with
                                               previous and

Implementing the factory function

The factory function is used to build the main stream data filter. The function is invoked with the data filtered by config.filter and should return a new (optional) filter and some (optional) data passed to the downstream integration.

Filters returned by subsequent invocations of the factory are merged together.

export function factory(block) {
  const filter = {
    header: { weak: true },
    // Build event filters based on the events in the current block.
    events: filterDeployedContracts(block),
  // Store deployed contracts in the integration.
  const data = deployedContractsInfo(block);

  return {
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Apibara is the fastest platform to build production-grade indexers that connect onchain data to web2 services.

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