Apibara blog

News and updates about Apibara

Connect the PostgreSQL sink to any cloud provider

Connect the PostgreSQL integration to any cloud provider

This week, we released version 0.3.0 of the PostgreSQL integration. This version supports secure TLS connections between the indexer and the database. You can synchronize onchain data to hosted PostgreSQL, such as Amazon RDS, Google CloudSQL, Supabase, and Neon.

Head over to the documentation to learn more about the new TLS options and how to connect Apibara to your database.

Indexer Typescript package updates

We updated the @apibara/indexer package with minor fixes to transaction types. Users should update to the latest release for better type-checking and autocomplete support.


Apibara is the fastest platform to build production-grade indexers that connect onchain data to web2 services.

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