Deploying to Railway

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Create a project Dockerfile

The first step is to create a Dockerfile for your project. If you're using a monorepo, place the Dockerfile in apps/indexers.


COPY ./src/* /app

ENTRYPOINT ["/nix/store/rh1g8pb7wfnyr527jfmkkc5lm3sa1f0l-apibara-sink-postgres-0.7.0/bin/apibara-sink-postgres"]

Notice that the base image is build from scratch (not an OS like Ubuntu), so the binary is in a location that depends on the build. For this reason we stick to a specific version and architecture.

When updating the image you also need to update the Docker ENTRYPOINT.

First pull the new version of the image.

docker image pull
2352c28bb4a7: Download complete
979824b603fa: Download complete

Then get the entrypoint path by inspecting the image.

docker image inspect | jq '.[].Config.Entrypoint'

Save and push to GitHub.

Create a new Railway service

From the Railway dashboard, create a new service deployment and connect your GitHub repository.

  • Change "root directory" to the folder containing your Dockerfile, e.g. /apps/indexers.
  • Builder should automatically switch to "Dockerfile". If not, just wait a few seconds until it does.
  • Change the "custom start command". Since this option changes the Docker's entrypoint, you will need to pass the full path to the apibara-sink-* executable. For example: /nix/store/rh1g8pb7wfnyr527jfmkkc5lm3sa1f0l-apibara-sink-postgres-0.7.0/bin/apibara-sink-postgres run /app/my-indexer.ts
  • Change "restart policy" to "Always".
  • Set the AUTH_TOKEN environment variable to your DNA token.
  • Set any other relevant environment variable needed by your indexer.
  • Remember to whitelist environment variables used in your indexer with the --allow-env-from-env option or the ALLOW_ENV_FROM_ENV environment variable. See the environment variables page for more information.
  • Once deployed, you should see the indexer starting and running.

Persisting state between restarts

The easiest way to persist state between restarts on Railway is by using Redis.

  • Deploy a new Redis instance on Railway, and wait for it to become ready.
  • Update the following indexer's environment variables:
    • Set PERSIST_TO_REDIS to a reference to Redis' url: ${{Redis.REDIS_URL}}.
    • Set SINK_ID to a unique id for this indexer, e.g. my-indexer.

After redeploying, you will notice that the indexer will store its state (like latest indexed block) in the provided Redis instance.

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Apibara is the fastest platform to build production-grade indexers that connect onchain data to web2 services.

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